If you are searching for rollators for sale, 2 Hearts Medical has some great choices for you. A rollator is sometimes called a “wheeled walker.” It consists of a frame with three or four large wheels, handlebars, and a built-in seat. A rollator is best for users who can walk but just need a little help with balance and stability.
The difference between a walker and a rollator is that a walker has no seat, whereas a rollator has a seat and a crossbar for back support. If your condition requires you to stop and rest often, a rollator could be a better choice for you.
Several Models to Choose From
We have several types and models of rollators for sale, including:
- Arpeggio – A three-wheel rollator suitable for indoor or outdoor use. The backrest can be adjusted for optimal comfort. The Arpeggio is quick and easy to fold.
- Crescendo – A three-wheel model with a cross brace frame for added strength and safety.
- Phoenix Rise Up – A four-wheel model that facilitates the user to walk upright and look forward.
- Shop N Go – This four-wheel model has a narrower design. The Shop N Go is perfect for indoor use and shopping.
Medicare will cover rollators as long as they are considered medically necessary. Rollators are considered durable equipment just like walkers.
Maintain Your Independence
Get the independence you need with a high-quality rollator! Our staff can help you choose the right rollator for you. We can talk with you about the differences between a three-wheel and four-wheel rollator, as well as the features of the various models. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff can answer questions and help you choose the right one for you.
With 2 Hearts Medical, you have access to the medical equipment products, and supplies you need. If you are searching for high-quality rollators for sale to keep you mobile, you will find what you’re looking for at 2 Hearts Medical.